Each dispatch from our facilities is subjected to extensive sampling and testing procedures for Assuring Quality Products to our customers.
Starting out by targeting permanent quality production, We @ Mohit Industries obtain the most correct results by means of its modern laboratory that it established in such a way as to meet the world standards, which has advanced technical hardware and equipment.
The company has internally perfected the design as well as control over the manufacturing process and quality with the help of technically proficient personnel and an extensive Research & Development Set-up.
Our research team is constantly engaged in exploring the use of new raw materials on one hand and improving the quality of our product on another.
The labs are equipped with modern analytical instruments like :
Determination of Al, Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni , As, Ca, Cd, Cr, In, Mg, Na, Pb, Sb, Si, Zn, etc. up to ppm level.
email: info@mohitind.co.in